$(document).ready(function() { // check where the shoppingcart-div is /* var offset = $('#sticky').offset(); $(window).scroll(function () { var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); // console.log(scrollTop); // console.log(offset.top); // check the visible top of the browser if (offset.top ' + '
' + '
Windows® Lizenz
' + 'End User Lizenz' + '
' + '
' + // '' + (wgross*1).toFixed(2) + ' € ' + '1 x inclusive ' + '
' + ''); } */ var addonprices = document.getElementById('ao').value*runtime; var addonprices_netto = document.getElementById('aon').value*runtime; var addonsetups = document.getElementById('aop').value; // domain getprice = price*1+setupfee*1+addonprices*1; //getprice = price*1+winprice*1+setupfee*1+addonprices*1; // getprice = price*1+winprice*1+setupfee*1; // console.log("sety: " + price*1+winprice*1+setupfee*1+addonprices*1); document.getElementById('gprice').value = (Math.round(getprice * 100) / 100).toFixed(2); // document.getElementById('resultsbox').innerHTML = (Math.round(getprice * 100) / 100).toFixed(2); var satz; //runtime 1 3 6 12 switch(runtime) { case '1': satz = 0; break; case '3': satz = 0.03; break; case '6': satz = 0.06; break; case '12': satz = 0.12; break; } var domainprice; domainprice = ' '; if('' != '3346') { var bundleprice = ''; // bundlep = ((bundleprice - (bundleprice * satz)) + (addonprices/runtime) + (winprice/runtime)).toFixed(2); // bundlep = ((bundleprice - (bundleprice * satz)) + (winprice/runtime )).toFixed(2) ; bundlep = (bundleprice - (bundleprice * satz)) ; // document.getElementById('bundleprice').innerHTML = bundlep; document.getElementById('resultsbox').innerHTML = (bundlep*1 + addonprices*1 + domainprice*1 + setupfee*1).toFixed(2); var bundleprice_netto = ''; var setupfee_netto = ''; bundlep_netto = (bundleprice_netto - (bundleprice_netto * satz)) ; document.getElementById('resultsbox_vat').innerHTML = ( (bundlep*1 + addonprices*1 + domainprice*1 + setupfee*1) - (bundlep_netto*1 + addonprices_netto*1 + setupfee_netto*1) ).toFixed(2); document.getElementById('resultsbox_netto').innerHTML = (bundlep_netto*1 + addonprices_netto*1 + setupfee_netto*1).toFixed(2); document.getElementById("totalnetto").value = (bundlep_netto*1 + addonprices_netto*1 + setupfee_netto*1).toFixed(2); } if(runtime > '1') { var nicemonth = " Monate"; /* document.getElementById('sparen').innerHTML = '
  • ' + '
    ' + '
    Sie sparen '+runtime+'%
    ' + 'Laufzeitgutschrift' + '
    ' + ' - ' + '
  • '; */ getreal = real*1+winprice*1; document.getElementById('diffex').innerHTML = (Math.round(diff * 100) / 100).toFixed(2); } else { var nicemonth = " Monat"; // document.getElementById('sparen').innerHTML = ""; diffex = " "; } // document.getElementById('rt').innerHTML = runtime; /* if("" == "Domain") { document.getElementById('vlzbox').innerHTML = '1 Jahr'; } else { document.getElementById('vlzbox').innerHTML = runtime+nicemonth; } */ } } function sgoajax(bundle,runtime,winid,vat){ httpObject = getHTTPObject(); if (httpObject != null) { httpObject.open("GET", "lib/ajax/result.php?BundleId="+bundle+"&runtime="+runtime+"&winid="+winid+"&vat="+vat, true); httpObject.send(null); httpObject.onreadystatechange = ssetOutput; } } function scount() { var bundle; bundle = ''; var winid; winid = ''; var runtime; runtime = ''; var sel; sel = ''; var vat; vat = ''; if(sel!='') { runtime = sel; } if (bundle == '3286') { console.log("treqw7366_jdkj"); } else { sgoajax(bundle,runtime,winid,vat); } } function popAGB() { aw=window.open("https://www.snafu.de/agb/","agb","width=970,height=500,scrollbars"); aw.focus; } function popBoni() { aw=window.open("pages/info/bonitaet.html","Bonitaet","width=570,height=400,scrollbars"); aw.focus; } function popdsgvo() { aw=window.open("https://www.snafu.de/datenschutz/"); aw.focus; } function submitPrint() { form1 = document.getElementById('print'); form1.submit(); return false; } function hidediv() { //enableSubmit(); if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById('loadings').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } else { if (document.layers) { document.hideshow.visibility = 'hidden'; } else { document.all.hideshow.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } } } function showdiv() { //disableSubmit(); if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById('loadings').style.visibility = 'visible'; } else { if (document.layers) { document.hideshow.visibility = 'visible'; } else { document.all.hideshow.style.visibility = 'visible'; } } }